It’s a crummy feeling, really, walking into your little one’s nursery only to find them soaked up to their chest in urine. And here you were ready to celebrate 12-plus hours of uninterrupted nighttime sleep! Leaky diapers are more than a pesky clean-up – they’re downright sad. And if you’re like most parents, it doesn’t take but one or two wet wake-ups to set you on an all-out search for the gold-standard of leak-proof...
Read MoreI recently offered my suggestions for when to wake a sleeping baby, but the toddler years are a bit different. While it’s beyond rewarding to watch our little ones grow and develop their personalities, toddlers are no walk in the park. Boundless energy, unbridled emotions and constantly testing our patience – all in a day’s work. It’s little wonder that naptime is so sacred. So why would we even consider waking a sleeping toddler?...
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